
They Live : Assault on Cable 54

Created by Iconiq Studios

A cooperative adventure board game based on the cult movie. Use your Kick Ass dice & custom sunglasses to find the hidden enemy within.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 4: 1000 Backers !!! Stretch Goals, Gilbert & Community Suggestion
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 12:04:22 PM

Hello everyone, it is amazing to still see those numbers ticking up, everyone has been getting involved and so far our first Kickstarter has been a great success. We have now passed 1000 backers, and because of this, we would like to preview some of our upcoming stretch goals.

Gilbert as a playable character.

Gilbert is a great guy, “Anything you need, he knows where to find it”. Gilbert has the ability to gather resources from the resistance stash anywhere on the map, making him a powerful ally or a dangerous adversary. Gilbert’s story deck will fill you in on what happened in his time offscreen.

Community Suggestion: Request Granted

This comment from a backer really struck a chord with us.

Quote: “I mean to get standees characters model instead miniatures that move on the map! This would be even more thematic!”

After speaking to our amazing artists, we have agreed to create a new stretch goal based on this suggestion. For our next goal after Gilbert, we will be introducing full-length character standees with dynamic posing for every character, including stretch goal characters. Below is our first render of this (subject to change for character posing).

We are also currently making adjustments to the rule book based on your input. We will keep you informed of the changes and produce updates on what has been altered.

Again from all of Team Iconiq, we would like to thank the community for helping to shape this game.


Update 3, Holly Stretch Goal Completed!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 04:59:18 PM

Again we are surprised by how fast this is moving. You amazing people have just unlocked the next stretch goal.

Holly Thompson, Full Character and Story Deck:

Holly was a very interesting character from the movie, however, translating her into a playable character was very difficult. (Let’s be honest, most of you know what happens with her). Holly’s story begins moments after “helping Nada leave her apartment” and finding the glasses he left behind.

Holly has high influence and intelligence, pretty much the perfect character for problem-solving and convincing human enemies to join her cause. Now you can be the one to surprise Frank on a stairwell in the final assault on Cable 54.

(Day 1) Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass now concluded:

You have all made this opening day very special. A big thank you to everyone who has secured their early backer pledge. This pledge is now completed and will revert to its original price.

FAQ Update:

We keep adding responses to the most common questions on the FAQ and will also respond to as many questions as possible. You will be able to find details on how to purchase add-ons and additional links to the rule book for those who had issues accessing it in the main campaign. 

Please remember we are a small team and it can take some time for us to respond.


Remember to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on the following links as we will be announcing giveaways and possibly social stretch goals in the coming days. We love seeing all of your movie quotes and jokes in the comments here on Kickstarter, so why not join us on our other pages too.




Again, please accept a huge thank you from everyone at Iconiq Studios.


Fully Funded Day 1 (Thank You)
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 02:48:23 AM

Good morning, after spending all night watching numbers increase for our first ever project we have woken up this morning to find that we have been fully funded in 15 hours. We are genuinely overwhelmed by the support and as a result, we want to give something back.

1-3 Player Mode (Early Unlock)

It was very clear from the comments yesterday that this was you were all very eager to have a solo mode and the option of a smaller player count in the game. We have always been very clear internally that the ‘Blind Play Mode’ would come at an additional cost for development and production and this hasn’t changed. However, I would like to announce that we have decided to unlock the 1-3 player mode for every Kickstarter backer going forward. Due to the speed of the funding, we have projected that we will reach our target for this but rather than wait, as a very big thank you for the early support, we are unlocking this goal immediately.

Additional Glasses

We also heard you loud and clear regarding the additional glasses and as a result, they have been added to the add-ons section now. If you wish to adjust your pledge level to get additional glasses you can see how to do this in the FAQ.

Stretch Goals

We have some great goals coming your way. Each new character will have a whole new story deck, items, and character cards, extending your replayability. We also will have some really cool upgrades to the core game for our Kickstarter backers. Stay tuned.

I know a lot of people will always say thank you when this sort of thing happens, but I cannot express how much this means to the whole team. I would also like to say that is the best possible birthday present for co-designer Matt Lees (no not that one) who will be having an extra special day today thanks to you.

Cheers, from Team Iconiq

A quick update.
about 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 01:30:32 PM

Wow! Over 400 of you have supported our campaign so far. This is amazing and means so much to the whole team.

We are listening to all of your comments and will be making some major updates to our Kickstarter regarding the 1-3 player ‘Blind Play’ mode and also the extra glasses as an add-on.

Our campaign has been focused around our 4-6 player main game due to the deception mechanics and ensuring that they are balanced and most of all fun to play.

Finally, we would like to say thank you to each and every one of you that has helped us on our way to making this dream a reality.